Xero - User Guide
Useful tips and links to get the best out of Xero.
Creating a Sales Invoice Template
Create a Sales Invoice and Approval
Purchase Orders
Reconciling the Bank
Bank Rules
Tracking and How to Assign
Creating a Sales Invoice Template
Key features and tools
Get a free invoice template here
Xero Central articles
How to insert, edit or delete fields in custom templates
Fields you can insert into a custom tempalte
Xero TV Links
Key features and tools
How to send profressional quotes to win new business.
Streamline your sales process with Quotes
Xero Central articles
Create an invoice from a quote
Xero TV Links
Create a Sales Invoice and Approval
Key features and tools
Xero Blog- A better way to invoice is now here
Xero Central articles
Approve and send a customer invoice
Add or edit a repeating invoice template
Xero TV Links
Purchase Orders
Key features and tools
Xero Central articles
Creating Bills from Purchase orders
Xero TV Links
Reconciling the Bank
Key features and tools
Xero Central articles
Reconcile statement lines in bulk
Use find and match to reconcile a statement line
Xero TV Links
Bank Rules
Xero Central articles
Xero TV Links
Tracking and How to Assign
Xero Central articles
Xero TV Links
Key features and tools
Xero Central articles
Format, print and customise reports